Yodi Can Help You Today

From knowing and understanding yourself to knowing and understanding others at the deepest level, Yodi will help you connect with what's most important in life. Yodi is PAIRS AI-Powered Relationship Coach and Mentor.

Working with Yodi, you'll learn to communicate more effectively, problem solve in ways that bring you closer to others, and develop emotional literacy where you're comfortable confiding and making it safe for others to confide in you.

Know Yourself

Emptying the Emotional Jug will help you understand the range of feelings in yourself and others. Uncovering Hidden Expectations will help you discover the assumptions and unique perceptions you bring to your closest relationships. Confiding an Emotional Allergy will help you recognize behaviors that can cause intense, upsetting feelings so you can consider new opportunities for closeness and healing.

Know Others

Once you're comfortable working with Yodi, invite a partner to experience Yodi with you. Begin with a Daily Temperature Reading to open the lines of communication. Try Talking Tips to learn more about how you each experience differences in a non-threating way. If you've been together for a while, consider the Relationship Pleasure Scale to take the pulse of your relationship and identify opportunities for greater closeness, pleasure and intimacy. Clarifying Relationship Expectations can help you create a roadmap for relationship success long into the future.

Dating Expert

Your experiences with Yodi will prepare you to know and connect with another person and give you more than a dozen usable skills for learning more about each other, including how to be most loving.

Intimacy is a skill that can be learned. Yodi will help you get there and stay there!

“After forty years as a psychiatrist and marital therapist, PAIRS is my most valuable professional and personal tool.”

Clifford Sager, MD

Cornell Medical Center

New York, NY

“PAIRS is radical in its simplicity and its hands-on-approach … a unique and profoundly effective way to build and heal relationships.”

Don Adams, Ph.D.

Child and Family Psychologist

Cary, NC

“I’m far more in love with [my husband] than ever … I believe PAIRS had an important part in that process.”

Rita DeMaria, Ph.D.

Marriage and Family Therapist

Philadelphia, PA

“We have moved so far in how to listen and how to be responsible in talking to one another.”

Linda Caroll

Marriage and Family Therapist

Corvalis, OR

“My parents became a lot more loving after they went through PAIRS … they know how to work their problems out.”

Erica Anderson

Daughter of PAIRS Graduates

Boulder, CO

Learn about the Daily Temperature Reading

One of the most popular skills taught in PAIRS classes for nearly 50 years. Now you learn the Temperature Reading and practice with Yodi.

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